Increase brand recognition and cohesion


Marketing - Art Direction - Copywriting - Web Development - Photography


Employment Options Emplois

Meet Blue

If you think it's a little odd that we've photographed a blue person in typical work environments along side a bunch of normies. I'm going to suggest you're wrong. It's not a little odd it's completely weird. When you are building awareness for a service that is lost among competitors all using the same stock images of happy people at work, well sometimes you need to bravely veer weird. Embrace fun. Find memorable.
Blue is the amalgamation of all the great candidates found through Employment Options. As a brand ambassador, Blue is designed to stand-out and generate a lot of fun attention everywhere.
Being diverse in job skills and identity makes Blue distinctly qualified for the role of Brand Ambassador of Employment Options.
Employment Options is a resource for both job seekers and recruiters with 16 locations spread across Ontario. A joint initiative by Boréal and Cambrian College, Employment Options provides services to help potential job seekers prepare for and find employment. On the recruitment side, they help Ontario employers match candidates to open positions and navigate government funding programs to grow and train their workforce.

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